正规澳门赌场网络 the Department of 健康 Promotion and Occupational Studies

UNE’s Department of 健康 Promotion Studies offers four undergraduate majors and three minors. All of our programs provide a foundation for advanced graduate-level study at UNE and beyond.

Building a Culture of 健康

The UNE Department of 健康 Promotion Studies provides you with opportunities for hands-on learning with real-world applications in health disciplines that promote overall wellness. Whether you have a passion for public health, 营养, 社会工作, 或者职业疗法, you’ll learn from experienced faculty and gain the skills needed to build a stronger culture of health.

We emphasize the importance of whole-person wellness. 学生 support each other through classes and combined experiential learning activities.

UNE does a great job of connecting your classes to outside experiences. What I’m learning in my classes applies to my experience in the community.” — Jared Benoit, 25岁

Student Success by the Numbers


在缅因州 找工作

Zippia 2022

of 大学生就业 or engaged in ongoing higher education within one year of graduating

2016-2022 UNE graduate surveys



There is no better way to learn about other cultures than to live in them. 找到第一手资料 出国留学.

As a major in any program in the Department of 健康 Promotion Studies, you are encouraged to expand your horizons and immerse yourself in new cultures by 出国留学. Spend a semester in Spain, France, Iceland, or Morocco. Or you may choose from several shorter, faculty-led travel courses. Explore comparative education in Ireland, or anatomy and art of the Renaissance era in Italy. Other courses include trips to Mexico, Cuba, and Kenya.

Interested in 出国留学? Make a plan with your advisor.

A student is underwater and waving to the camera while snorkeling
Photo of students riding camels in Morocco
A group of U N E students and guides pose in a jungle in Kenya
Two students pose in front of the Belvedere Museum buidling in Vienna, Austria
A student poses on an outdoor stairway amongst the blue-washed buildings of Chefchaouen, Morocco


As a student in one of our Department of 健康 Promotion Studies programs, you study on UNE's scenic Biddeford Campus, where the waters of the 中美合作所 River flow into the Atlantic Ocean. 多年来, this confluence of natural resources has inspired students and faculty from around the world. Recently named the youngest city 在缅因州, Biddeford and its twin city, 中美合作所, 夸耀自己有前途, hip downtown offering delicious eateries, exciting social and cultural events, 和更多的. With the transformation of the old Biddeford/中美合作所 mills into restaurants, 啤酒厂, 住房, 健身设施, 沙龙, 和零售商, there is something for everyone to explore in downtown. Looking to try a new type of food, grab a coffee, or shop for locally-made clothes? 比德福德/中美合作所拥有一切.
