
The Westbrook College of 健康的职业 and the 赞助项目办公室 are proud to offer 暑期本科生研究奖学金 for WCHP students. 该奖学金竞争激烈,提供:

  • 津贴$436/周(最少8周,最多12周)
  • 200美元用于研究用品 

不需要以前的研究经验. During the fellowship, you work alongside a faculty mentor who has an ongoing research program. 使用学徒模式, 你学习研究设计, 阅读和翻译研究论文, 以及真实世界的数据收集和分析方法. 研究课题差异很大.

如果你对亲身体验研究感兴趣, you must identify a research mentor (also referred to as a research advisor) who agrees to work with you as you complete the application. 请看有关的信息 寻找导师 to identify a faculty member who works with undergraduate researchers.

申请截止日期为每年三月初. Notices that applications are open are sent out via UNE Community 新闻.



Undergraduate research experiences in general allow you to gain skills in critical thinking, 科学写作, 以及专业的演讲, skills that enhance your employability and strengthen your applications for graduate study. The skills gained through research experiences can be gained from any type of intensive research experience. 然而, the full-time summer fellowships provide the opportunity to get immersed in research without the distraction of classes or other activities. Summer research experiences may be best for you if you are considering graduate study that involves research, but no matter your future educational plans you are encouraged to consider this valuable opportunity.

如果我和正规澳门赌场网络其他学院的教员一起工作, 我应该申请那所大学的暑期资助吗?

Each of the colleges that make up the University of New England offers its own students funding for research experiences but the amount of the funding and the method used to apply for those funds may be different. 作为WCHP的本科生, 你必须申请WCHP暑期本科生研究奖学金, 然而, 你的指导老师可以来自正规澳门赌场网络的任何学院.

我已经安排了一份暑期工作. Can I work while participating in a Summer Undergraduate 研究 Fellowship?

The 暑期本科生研究奖学金 are full-time research experiences so you work a minimum of 40 hours a week. Some research requires that you work during hours other than a typical office schedule and the hours may change from day-to-day. 因此, it is typically not feasible to hold a second job at the same time.

Should I take a job or participate in a Summer 研究 Fellowship?

If, after speaking to former Fellows and visiting professors’ laboratories, you are unable to decide whether you should participate in the program or get another job for the summer, consider the following perspective offered by previous undergraduate researchers:

“如果你在一份好的暑期工作和这个机会之间犹豫不决, 问问自己是否在考虑读研. 如果答案是肯定的,那就接受这份研究工作吧. 它让你第一手了解研究生院将会是什么样子.”

“I regard first-hand experience in research as a benefit to one's educational background, 不管一个人是否在考虑读研. 我认为有关这一决定的适当问题是:

  • 我想在正规澳门赌场网络完成什么?
  • 当我申请工作时,我怎样才能在竞争中占得先机呢?
  • 除了好成绩,潜在雇主还想要什么?”

At this time, we can award up to six 暑期本科生研究奖学金.

我是新生. 我可以申请暑期研究奖学金吗?


我是大四学生. 我可以申请暑期研究奖学金吗?

Summer 研究 Fellowships are typically awarded to students who have completed their freshman, 二年级学生, 大三的时候. 然而, if you are a senior who plans to continue on to a graduate program at UNE, 在有必要的情况下,你可能会被考虑资助. 如需考虑,请联系凯蒂·鲁道夫,PT, Ph ..D., associate dean for research and coordinator of WCHP Undergraduate 研究 at krudolph@szzhuodong.com.

该公司表示,奖学金期限为8-12周. 我应该使用什么时间框架?

你来协商奖学金的周数, 以及与你的研究导师的开始和结束日期. 一般来说, the fellowship should fall within the start and end dates of the academic summer sessions. 

我有一个家庭(度假/婚礼/家庭团聚等).计划在夏季中期进行. 我该怎么办??

你被允许围绕重要的计划事件工作. 然而, the Fellowship Stipend will be paid only during the time that you are on campus working on the research. 因此, if you were to take a one-week vacation in the middle of a ten-week Fellowship (and that was approved by the Advisor) you should reduce the number of weeks to nine or adjust the start and end dates accordingly.

我的导师有一个家庭(度假/婚礼/家庭团聚等).计划在夏季中期进行. 我该怎么办??

Vacations and other family events are equally important for faculty! 然而, the 暑期本科生研究奖学金 use an apprenticeship model of training so it is important that the faculty member, 或者同等资格的人, be available to mentor you if the faculty member is going to be away for more than a few days. 如果没有这样的人可用, you should adjust your Fellowship duration and start-end dates to adjust for the mentor's absence from campus.


Applications are reviewed by a Review Committee made up of faculty with active research programs and those who have mentored Undergraduate 研究 Fellows in the past. 评估中使用的特征包括:

  • 你到目前为止的学习成绩
  • 想要获得本科研究奖学金的原因
  • Quality of the writing in the application (organization, grammar, clarity, etc.)
  • 证明你和导师之间关系密切

现在, you might be thinking: "How the heck can a committee evaluate the strength of a relationship from a written application?具体做法如下:部分申请由你自己完成. In order for you to demonstrate a good understanding of the proposed research topic and methods that would be used during the Fellowship, you must spend time with the mentor and on your own to learn about the research. A well-written research description demonstrates a strong basic knowledge of the topic that is formed when you and your mentor put time into the process together.